What is a Prophet?

A prophet is one who speaks to your potential self …, who you could and should be. You will always be unhappy, unfulfilled, confused, unsuccessful, broke and in pain if you are not connected to the divine reason for your existence being here. Discomfort is the first indication that you might be out of place or dislocated. For example, an individual who dislocates a finger will experience great pain. Also, this will disable that person they will not be able to use that finger. The same is true about your life. If, you are not connected to the divine purpose of your life, then you will experience great pain and discomfort…. until you are reconnect to your purpose.

I am here to stop the Pain!

I will speak a word of prophecy into your life that will stop the pain and reconnect you to your purpose. No longer will you have to allow uncertainty or fear to hold you back from experiencing success and happiest. Leave the pain behind and… move forward in life with a brand new confidence and that breakthrough is waiting you around the corner.

If you would like to submit a Prayer Request for yourself or someone else, just Click Here. You may submit as many and as often as you like.