The Struggle Is Over

While I was sitting in my prayer chamber this morning, praying for my partners, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Tell my sons and daughters the struggle is over! As a matter of fact, God said, you and your family are coming out on top! My friend, eyes have not seen the dynamic phenomenon that the Holy Spirit is bringing in your direction.  

I hear prosperity knocking at your door. Your prosperity is getting ready to come from the most unlikely places. The question is, will you take the time to get over the struggle so that you can embrace your abundance? You don’t have to play catch up, because you are NOT running out of time!

Don’t allow the cares of this world to cause you to miss your season of visitation. Don’t find yourself in “Excuse Land” trying to justify why things haven’t happened in your life thus far. The more you dwell in “Excuse Land,” the closer you are to living the rest of your days in the “Valley of Regret!”

You were born to live in the abundance of God’s riches. The Holy Spirit is calling on you to pick up your dreams, pick up your joy, pick up your peace and follow Christ. When you partner with the Holy Spirit and those who God sends into your life, you work smarter not harder. You will be like a candle that is lit, whose flame never goes out!

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